Despite some alarming statistics made public by the Council of Europe and indicating that 1 in 5 children in Europe become victims of sexual abuse, and regardless of obligations under the Lanzarote Convention, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia lack systemic solutions and strategies to counteract the problem on the level of formal and informal education.
Parents play the key role in protecting children from sexual abuse. They are their first and crucial educators in their early years. Researches show, however, that many parents don’t educate their children in this area because they don’t realise the dangers, have limited access to information and knowledge related especially to the online aspects of the issue, and they don’t know how to talk with their children about sexuality and abuse.
The project entitled „We protect children against sexual abuse” was designed to develop high-quality educational resources for parents, educators, as well as professionals working with children and their families. Such resources are scarce, both in terms of formal and informal education regarding protecting children against sexual abuse. Despite some alarming statistics made public by the Council of Europe and indicating that 1 in 5 children in Europe become victims of sexual abuse, and regardless of obligations under the Lanzarote Convention, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia lack systemic solutions and strategies to counteract the problem on the level of formal and informal education.
The e-learning provides information on how parents can talk to children about their bodies, safety, dangerous situations, to improve their protection against sexual abuse, and how to react when children face dangerous situations online and in the real world (including legal intervention).
The e-learning method guarantees broad range of effect, in particular reaching geographically underprivileged individuals, i.e. parents and professionals from little towns and villages. The added value of the project is that it demonstrates and teaches how to use ICT in education.
This e-leaning was prepared within the project “We protect children from sexual abuse – innovative tools increasing the knowledge and competences of parents and professionals in the area of the protecting children from sexual abuse” funded under the European Comission’s Erasmus+ Programme, Action 2: Strategic Partnerships for adult education

The Empowering Children Foundation
(formerly Nobody’s Children Foundation) has been active since 1991. The organization works towards making sure that all children have a safe childhood and are treated with respect for their dignity, as full-fledged human beings. ECF protects children from abuse and help those who have experienced violence to help them know their rights, believe in themselves, and enjoy their lives.

Center Dardedze
is a Latvian non-governmental, non-profit organization that advocates for childhood free from abuse. It’s goal is to prevent child abuse and provide help to children abused physically, emotionally, sexually or neglected. The organization has been active since 2001.

Paramos Vaikams Center
(Children Support Centre) is a non-governmental organization, which was founded in 1995. Our mission is to ensure the psychological well-being of children by providing effective, professional, and comprehensive assistance to children and families.
Empowering Children Foundation
formerly Nobody’s Children Foundation
59 Walecznych St.
03-926 Warsaw, Poland
+48 22 616 02 68